The Sunrise Lodge on Matagorda Bay
Captain Bink Grimes
Matagorda Bay Fishing Report
binkgrimes@sbcglobal.net - 979-241-1705

Bink Grimes - binkgrimes@sbcglobal.net - 979-241-1705
May 13 -- Just wanted to let everyone
know we are fine in Matagorda. All the sensationalism that pumps up
TV ratings for the local news so they can sell higher priced advertising
space affects us. We fished all weekend and it was good. Lots of people
cancelled, but we have learned to access the situation and make our
own decisions on weather safety. If we listened to the weatherman every
time he/she cried Chicken Little we wouldn't survive in this business.
With that being said, rain water and flooding only affects about 10%
of the water we fish in Matagorda. So the next time someone says I bet
the fishing has been tough due to the rain, show them these photos from
this weekend.
We have boats available.
Call, text or email or message me on Instagram or Facebook.
Fishing only gets better in the coming days.

May 6 ..... It was a great weekend of
catches with light winds. All of our boats limited on trout this weekend,
some wading and some drifting. Trout ate topwaters while wading sand
and grass and live shrimp under a popping cork duped good West Bay trout
over reefs. We have mid-week dates open in May and June and a few weekends.
We also have lodging available for the Texas Oilman's Tournament in
July. Follow our reports on Instagram and Facebook everyday.

April 16.... Water temps reached the 70s
this week. Fishing is becoming more of a summer pattern. Good catches
are coming while wading and while drifting. The picture attached was
from a 25 boat group we hosted. We caught good fish despite adverse
conditions. We still have a couple of houses available for the Oilman's
Tournament. Watch my middle coast report weekly on Texas Insider Fishing
Report on Fox Sports Southwest.
Follow us on Instagram @matagordasunriselodge
Call, text or email for fishing dates and/or lodging.
Happy Easter.
Hope you enjoy your holiday with family and attend church Sunday.

April 8, 2019....One day it's trout, one day it's redfish. Catching
has been good this spring and the warm temperatures has more shrimp
and mullet in the bays. Drifting has been producing good trout in East
Bay. West Bay has been good for trout and redfish while wading and drifting
shorelines. We have boats available this weekend. Follow my weekly middle
coast report on the Texas Insider Fishing Report on Fox Sports Southwest
and our daily catches on Instagram @matagordasunriselodge

April 1, 2019
Another great week of fishing. It's chilly again, but it will be gone
in 48 hrs. We will work the deep channels early this week with soft
plastics then get back to drifting in the bays. Wading has been good
in guts and sloughs on Down South Lures and MirrOlure Soft Dines. We
have boats available during the week and a couple of boats open for
Saturday April 13.
The Texas Insider Fishing Report on Fox SportsSouthwest kicks back off
this week. Tune in Thurs-Sat for my middle coast report.

March 23, 2019
Matagorda Bay coughed up some beautiful
trout this week with warmer temperatures. We caught and released multiple
6-8 pounders while drifting over deep shell. We also took quick limits
in West Bay while working over deep rocks.
We still have a few weekends open through April, including boats open
this Friday and Saturday. If you are making plans for the 2019 Texas
Oilman's Tournament, we have some new properties that are available
for the July 18-20 tournament.
Call, text or email.

February 24, 2019
The sun is out and March will be here by the end of the week. It has
been a dreary winter but our fishing has remained very good. We have
had some great days drifting and wading for trout and redfish on Down
South Lures, MirrOlures and Bass Assassins. Most school's Spring Break
runs the week of March 11-15 and we will be running both morning and
afternoon trips to try to accommodate everyone. We will be at the Houston
Fishing Show at the GRB March 6-10. Come by and see us and talk fishing.
If you need new tackle come by and we can point you in the right direction
with the gear we use everyday.
If you want up to date reports follow us on Instagram @matagordasunriselodge
or on Facebook @bink grimes.

Nov 4, 2018
It's a little warm for November but forecasts
call for chilly weather by the end of the week. It hasn't mattered to
fish or fowl. It has been great.
Our fishing is very consistent but many of our guides believe we will
see even better catches after the cold front this weekend.
Duck season opened this weekend and we have scored limits every hunt.
Again, it has been good, but will get even better after the cold front.
We have a days available and a few rare weekend dates for duck hunting
remaining in November. The first split of duck season ends Nov.25.
Most of the kids will be out of school the week of Thanksgiving so make
plans for a holiday hunt or fish.
Follow our catches and hunts on Facebook and Instagram daily.

Sept. 24, 2018
We are in cast and blast mode for another
week then it will be fishing full time for the month of October. We
are already seeing signs of the fall and fishing has been wonderful.
Congrats to Team Sunrise Capts Glenn Ging for winning the Matagorda
Bay CCA Guide's Cup and Tommy Alexander for coming in a close second.
We are very proud of our veteran guides. Teal season runs through Sept
30 and this weekend we saw an influx of ducks. Regular duck season opens
Nov.3 and we have a few dates left in November to fill, including a
spot of two opening weekend. Follow our reports daily on Instagram and

Sept. 5, 2018
EAST MATAGORDA BAY: Trout are good for drifters
on live shrimp, Gulps and DOA Shrimp over humps and scattered shell.
Trout and redfish are fair to good on the shorelines for waders tossing
small topwaters and plastics. Redfish are good in Lake Austin and on
the north shoreline. WEST MATAGORDA BAY: Trout are fair on sand and
grass humps on soft plastics and topwaters. Redfish are good on live
shrimp and topwaters in Oyster Lake, Crab Lake and Shell Island.
PORT OCONNOR: Bull redfish are good in the surf and at the jetty
on natural baits. Trout and redfish are good for waders and drifters
working the back lakes with live shrimp and DOA Shrimp.
ROCKPORT: Redfish are good on mullet on the Estes Flats and around Mud
Island. Trout and redfish are good in the back of Allyns Bight
and schooling.
PORT ARANSAS: Trout are fair around Super Flats and Mud Island on topwaters.
Redfish are fair at East Flats and Shamrock Cove on topwaters and plastics
under rattling corks.
CORPUS CHRISTI: Redfish are good on the shallow flats on gold spoons
and small topwaters. Sand trout and croakers are good in the channels
on fresh shrimp.
BAFFIN BAY: Trout are good on topwaters and plum plastics around rocks
and grass. Redfish are good in the Land Cut on live bait.
PORT MANSFIELD: Trout are fair to good around East Cut. Redfish are
fair to good while drifting pot holes on topwaters and soft plastics
under a popping cork.
SOUTH PADRE: Trout, redfish and snook are fair to good on the flats
on DOA Lures and live bait. Tarpon and bull redfish are fair to good
around the jetty.
PORT ISABEL: Redfish are good at Gas Well Flats and in South Bay on
Gulps. Trout and redfish are fair to good while drifting sand and grass
flats on live shrimp and Gulps under popping corks.
NORTH SABINE: Redfish are good in the marsh
with high tides. Tides are well above normal. Drifters have worked slicks
for trout and redfish on plastics and topwaters.
SOUTH SABINE: Trout are fair to good under birds and pods of shad. Trout
are good at the jetty on live bait and topwaters. Bull redfish are good
at the jetty.
BOLIVAR: Trout are good on the south shoreline on topwaters and soft
plastics. Trout, bull redfish , black drum, sand trout and redfish are
good at Rollover Pass.
TRINITY BAY: Trout are good for drifters working pods of shad and birds.
Redfish are good on live bait around the reefs. Redfish are good on
the north shoreline on gold spoons and small topwaters.
EAST GALVESTON BAY: Trout and redfish are good on soft plastics while
working slicks and mud boils. Whiting and sand trout are good on the
edge of the Intracoastal on fresh shrimp. Trout are good for drifters
on plum plastics.
WEST GALVESTON BAY: Trout and redfish are good in the back lakes on
live bait. Bull redfish are good in the surf and at San Luis Pass on
crabs and mullet. Sheepshead, redfish and black drum are good at the
jetties on shrimp and crabs.
TEXAS CITY: Sand trout and Gulf trout are good in the channel on shrimp.
Redfish are fair to good in Moses Lake on crabs and shrimp.
FREEPORT: Bull redfish are good on live bait and crabs on the Surfside
beach. Black drum and redfish are good on the reefs. Bull redfish are
good at the jetties.
Aug 13 -- Tides finally showed up and
brought new fish in from the Gulf. It was a good week for drifting over
deep shell in East Bay. We released multiple big trout and enjoyed bonus
large sand trout that are excellent tablefare.
Redfish action in West Bay picked up with the incoming tide.
Teal season begins in a month an already there are a few showing up.
We should see an influx in the next 10-12 days with the forthcoming
full moon. The season runs Sept. 15-30.

July 23 -- Fishing has been pretty steady even with stiff southwest
winds and warm temps. The good news is winds are forecasted light for
the rest of the week at 5-10 which might give us a shot at the surf
Lots of redfish have been caught while drifting and waders have scored
trout on soft plastics. This time of year we leave early and catch them
before it gets too hot. The kids will be back in school in less than
a month. Get them out one more time. Teal season runs Sept.15-30 and
prospects look good. Dove season opens Sept. 1 and whitewings are already
showing in force.

July 9 --- Winds have been light over
the weekend which has allowed us to finally get in the surf - and, it
was good. We caught limits of trout on MirrOlure She Dogs and Bass Assassins
and Down South Lures while drifting. We have also been catching while
wading with the same lures. Teal season opens in about 60 days and the
recent rains have helped habitat. Some bluewings will begin showing
in less than 30 days. Ought to be another good year. Follow our catches
on Facebook, Instagram and weekly on Texas Insider Fishing Report on
Fox Sports Southwest.

June 25 --- The rain last week was welcomed.
Some areas received 8-12 inches. We needed it, especially for our duck
properties. Our bays needed it as well. When the weather cooperates
the fishing has been very good. When the wind blows we work for them.
Don't let the heat scare you - we are leaving early and getting back
before you cook. Teal season is about 75 days away. The season runs
Sept 15-30 and we have a few spots open on weekdays from Sept.24-28.
Follow our catches on Facebook, Instagram and weekly on the Texas Insider
Fishing Report on Fox Sports Southwest.

June 11 -- Had a great weekend at the
lodge with the Blast and Cast Ministries Team and about 52 men. Check
them out on Facebook or on the web. They are doing great things for
the Lord. We have been beating the heat by getting out early and getting
off early. Wading has been really good on topwaters and Bass Assassins
and Down South Lures. Follow our catches on Facebook and Instagram and
weekly on the Texas Insider Fishing Report on Fox Sports Southwest.

June 4 -- One of my favorite months to
fish is June. Weather patterns begin to stabilize and we catch fish
on topwaters wading and have a chance at a big trout while drifting.
School is out and time to get the kids on the water.
We have a few days open this week, including a rare Friday.
Teal season runs Sept.15-30 this year and we have a few dates left.
Hard to think about ducks in June but we will be shooting bluewings
in about 90 days.
Follow our catches on Facebook, Instagram and weekly on the Texas Insider
Fishing Report on Fox Sports Southwest.

May 21 -- Winds kicked up a bit this week
and made us work a little harder. The good news is there are still fish
to be caught even when the wind blows off your hat, as the pictures
attest. Winds are forecasted to be moderate this week and the weather
traditionally stabilizes in to June. Check out the nice 8-pound trout
caught this week while drifting, and the good stringers caught while
wading. Follow our catches on Instagram, Facebook and weekly on the
Texas Insider Fishing Report on Fox Sports Southwest.

May 13, 2018 -- It's beginning to feel like summertime and we are already
fishing some of our summer patterns. Limits of trout were caught this
week on topwaters, Bass Assassins and Down South Lures. Forecasts this
week call for lighter winds which should make it easier to catch fish
from the boat while drifting.
Follow our reports on Facebook, Instagram and weekly on the Texas Insider
Fishing Report on Fox Sports Southwest.

May 7, 2018
Forecasts call for light winds this week. The surf was green to the
beach and flat at the time of this writing.Last week we actually caught
more fish on the days the winds were blowing the hardest. Wading with
topwaters and soft plastics have been good. When the weather is consistent
like this week all options are on the table. We have boats available
so don't hesitate to call or text, even last minute.Follow our reports
on Facebook, Instagram on weekly on Texas Insider Fishing Report.

April 23, 2018
Spring catches have been pretty steady despite winds from every direction.
The forecast this week calls for winds in the 5-10 knot range, which
is breath of fresh air. Our bays look good and are full of fish. We
have an opening for multiple boats on Friday May 4. We had a late cancellation
and Friday's are popular so if you are interested give us a call or
text. Follow our reports on Facebook, Instagram and weekly on the Texas
Insider Fishing Report on Fox Sports Southwest.

April 9, 2018
As is always the case in spring, you deal with the ups and downs of
weather. We have hid from the winds on those cold front days and managed
admirable catches of trout, redfish and black drum. When the water gets
just a hint of green the fish have responded on soft plastics and live
shrimp. Follow our catches of Facebook, Instagram and weekly on the
Texas Insider Fishing Report on Fox Sports Southwest.

March 25, 2018
Water temps reached 70 degrees for the first time in a month. We have
been catching trout and redfish while wading with soft plastics and
look for the topwater bite to get better this week. Our boat-fishing
trips have yielded mixed bags of trout, redfish and black drum on live
shrimp. We have boats available for this week, including Good Friday.
We hope you attend church Easter Sunday.
Follow our catches on Facebook, Instagram and weekly on the Texas Insider
Fishing Report on Fox Sports Southwest.

March 19, 2018
The past week might have been the best Spring Break of fishing I can
remember. Wading or drifting, fish just wanted to bite. We are very
blessed see our fishery in such great shape.Follow our catches daily
on Instagram and Facebook. The Texas Insider Fishing Report cranks back
up on Fox Sports Southwest on April 5. I'll be back this year covering
the middle coast.

March 12, 2018
It's Spring Break and vacationers have
hit Matagorda. We are running morning and afternoon trips for trout
and redfish out of the boat and wading. It has been a great 2018 and
we have been catching most of our fish on soft plastic Bass Assassin,
Down South Lures and ChickenBoy.
Follow our catches on Facebook and Instagram.

Feb 24, 2018
It was a great week for big trout while wading or
fishing out of the boat with Bass Assassins and Down South Lures. Water
temps reached 72 this weekend and that hasn't happened in Feb. in a
long time. Spring is here and Spring Break is only two weeks away. Get
the kids off the concrete and catch a fish. We have boats and lodging
available. This week we will be at the 43rd Houston Fishing Show at
the GRB Wed-Sunday. Stop by and say hello and/or get on the calendar
for the coming months.
It's going to be a good 2018.

Feb 19, 2018
We ditched the long sleeves and coats this week and actually got a little
color on our skin. The bay has been beautiful green and we have caught
fish drifting with Bass Assassins or wading with Soft Dines. We released
some good fish over 6 pounds this week and lost one that looked to be
over 10 pounds.
Hopefully spring will stick around.We will be at the Houston Fishing
Show Feb.28-Mar.4 at the GRB. Come by and say hello.Follow our catches
on Facebook and Instagram.

Feb 11, 2018
This is the first report of 2018 via
email. Most of January we were duck hunting, but now we are back to
fishing. It has been pretty solid drifting or wading. Most of the drifting
has been in the river and over deep shell in East Bay. While wading,
we have been working guts with the low winter tides with MirrOlure Soft
Dines, Bass Assassins and Down South Lures.
Follow our catches daily on Facebook and Instagram.
Come see us at the Houston Fishing Show Feb.28-Mar.4 at the GRB.